

ethr(求物种名称,求拉丁学名,求英文名!!!!!!) 第1张



界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 节肢动物门 Arthropoda
纲: 软甲纲 Malacostraca
目: 十足目 Decapoda
科: 菱蟹科 Parthenopidae
属: 奇净蟹属 Aethra
种: 锯齿奇净蟹 A. scruposa
林奈命名:Aethra scruposa


Abantes 阿班忒斯人
Abderus 阿布得罗斯
Absyrtus 阿布叙尔托斯
Acamas 阿卡玛斯
Acarnan 阿卡耳南
Acastus 阿卡斯托斯
Achelous 阿克洛俄斯
Acheron 阿刻戎
Achilles 阿喀琉斯
Acis 阿喀斯
Acrisius 阿克里西俄斯
Actaeon 阿克泰翁
Actor 阿克托耳
Actoridae 阿克托里代(兄弟)
Admeta 阿德墨塔
Admetus 阿德墨托斯
Adonis 阿多尼斯
Adrasteia 阿德剌斯忒亚
Adrastus 阿德剌斯托斯
Aeacus 埃阿科斯
Aedon 埃冬
Aeetes 埃厄忒斯
Aegeus 埃勾斯
Aegialea 埃癸阿勒亚
Aegialeus 埃癸阿琉斯
Aegina 埃癸娜
Aegistus 埃癸斯托斯
Aegyptus 埃古普托斯
Aella 埃拉
Aeneas 埃涅阿斯
Aeolus 埃俄洛斯
Aerope 埃罗珀
Aesacus 埃萨科斯
Aeson 埃宋
Aether 埃忒耳
Aethlius 埃特利俄斯
Aethra 埃特拉
Agamemnon 阿伽门农
Agapenor 阿伽珀诺耳
Agave 阿高厄
Aglaus 阿格拉俄斯
Agelaos 阿革拉俄斯
Agenor 阿革诺耳
Ajax 埃阿斯(大)
Ajax 埃阿斯(小)
Alastor 阿拉斯托耳
Alcaeus 阿尔开俄斯
Alcestis 阿尔刻斯提斯
Alcides 阿尔喀得斯
Alcinous 阿尔喀诺俄斯
Alcippe 阿尔喀珀
Alcmene 阿尔克墨涅
Alcmeon 阿尔克墨翁
Alcyone 阿尔库俄涅
Alcyoneus 阿尔库俄纽斯
Aletes 阿勒忒斯
Alexabder 阿勒克珊德洛斯
Alexiroe 阿勒克西罗
Aloeidae 阿洛伊代(兄弟)
Aloeus 阿洛欧斯
Alope 阿洛珀
Alpheus 阿尔甫斯
Althaea 阿尔泰亚
Amalthea 阿玛尔忒亚
Amazon 阿玛宗人
Amon 阿蒙
Amphiaraus 安菲阿剌俄斯
Amphilochus 安菲罗科斯
Amphimedon 安菲墨冬
Amphinomus 安菲诺摩斯
Amphion 安菲翁
Amphitrite 安菲特里忒
Amphitryon 安菲特律翁
Amphoterus 安福忒罗斯
Amycus 阿密科斯
Amythaon 阿密塔翁
Ancaeus 安开俄斯
Anchises 安喀塞斯
Androgeus 安德洛革俄斯
Andromache 安德罗玛刻
Andromeda 安德洛墨达
Antaeus 安泰俄斯
Anteia 安忒亚
Antenor 安忒诺耳
Anticleia 安提克勒亚
Antigone 安提戈涅(俄狄浦斯之女)
Antigone 安提戈涅(欧律提翁之女)
Antilochus 安提洛科斯
Antimachus 安提玛科斯
Antinous 安提诺俄斯
Antiope 安提俄珀
Antiphates 安提法忒斯
Antiphus 安提福
Apate 阿帕忒
Apatu 阿帕图
Aphareus 阿法柔斯
Aphinodor 阿斐诺多耳
Aphrodite 阿佛洛狄忒
Apollo 阿波罗
Arachne 阿剌克涅
Areopagus 阿瑞俄帕戈斯
Ares 阿瑞斯
Arete 阿瑞忒
Argia 阿耳癸亚
Argos 阿耳戈斯 (百眼巨人)
Argo 阿耳戈船
Argus 阿耳戈斯 (独目巨人)
Argus 阿耳戈斯(阿耳戈船的建造者)
Ariadne 阿里阿德涅
Arion 阿里翁
Arion 阿里翁 (神马)
Aristaeus 阿里斯泰俄斯
Aristodemus 阿里斯托得摩斯
Aristomachus 阿里斯托玛科斯
Arsinoe 阿耳西诺厄
Artemis 阿耳忒弥斯
Ascalaphus 阿斯卡拉福斯
Ascanius 阿斯卡尼俄斯
Ascclepius 阿斯克勒庇俄斯
Asius 阿西俄斯
Asopus 阿索波斯
Assaracus 阿萨剌科斯
Astacus 阿斯塔科斯
Astarta 阿斯塔尔塔
Asteria 阿斯忒里亚
Asteropaeus 阿斯特罗派俄斯
Astrae 阿斯特赖亚
Astraeus 阿斯特赖俄斯
Astyanax 阿斯堤阿那克斯
Ata / Ate 阿忒
Atalanta 阿塔兰塔
Athamas 阿塔玛斯
Athena 雅典娜
Atlas 阿特拉斯
Atreus 阿特柔斯
Atridas 阿特里代(兄弟)
Atropos 阿特罗波斯
Augeas 奥革阿斯
Autolycus 奥托吕科斯
Automedon 奥托墨冬
Autonoe 奥托诺厄
Bacchants 巴克坎特斯(酒神巴克科斯的狂女)
Bacis 巴喀斯
Balius 巴利俄斯
Basilea 巴西勒亚
Bateia 巴忒亚
Baton 巴同
Belus 柏罗斯
Bellerophon 柏勒洛丰
Bia 比亚
Bias 比阿斯
Boreadai 玻瑞阿代(兄弟)
Boreas 玻瑞阿斯
Briareus 布里阿瑞俄斯
Briseis 布里塞伊斯
Busiris 部西里斯
Cadmus 卡德摩斯
Calais 卡拉伊斯
Calchas 卡尔卡斯
Calliope 卡利俄佩
Callirrhoe 卡利洛厄
Callisto 卡利斯托
Calypso 卡吕普索
Capaneus 卡帕纽斯
Cassandra 卡珊德拉
Cassiopeia 卡西俄珀亚
Castor 卡斯托耳
Cebriones 刻布里俄涅斯
Cecrops 刻克洛普斯
Celeus 刻勒俄斯,刻琉斯
Centaurus 肯陶洛斯,肯陶罗斯人,马人
Cephalus 刻法罗斯
Cepheus 刻甫斯
Cerberus 刻耳柏洛斯
Cercyon 刻耳库翁
Ceres 刻瑞斯
Ceryx 刻律克斯
Ceto 刻托
Ceyx 刻宇克斯
Chaos 卡俄斯,混沌
Chariclo 卡里克洛
Charites 卡里忒斯,美惠女神
Charon 卡戎(冥河的船夫,不要与马人喀戎弄混)
Charops 卡罗普斯
Charybdis 卡律布狄斯
Chimaera 喀迈拉
Chiron 喀戎(马人,不要与冥河船夫卡戎弄混)
Chrysaor 克律萨俄耳
Chryseis 克律塞伊斯
Chryses 克律塞斯
Chrysippus 克律西波斯
Chthonia 克托尼亚
Chthonius 克托尼俄斯
Cilix 喀利克斯
Circe 喀耳刻
Cleite 克勒忒
Cleopatra 克勒俄帕特拉
Clio 克利俄
Clotho 克洛托
Clymene 克吕墨涅
Clytemnestra 克吕泰涅斯特拉
Clytie 克吕提厄
Clytius 克吕提俄斯
Cocalus 科卡洛斯
Coeus 科俄斯
Coon 科翁
Copreus 科普柔斯
Cratus 克拉托斯,克剌托斯
Creon 克瑞翁
Cresphontes 克瑞斯丰忒斯
Cretheus 克瑞透斯
Creusa 克瑞乌萨
Crius 克利俄斯
Cronos 克罗诺斯
Cteatus 克忒阿托斯
Ctesius 克忒西俄斯
Cyclops 库克罗普斯,独目巨人
Cyparissus 库帕里索斯
Cypris 塞浦里斯
Dactyli 达克堤利
Daedalus 代达罗斯
Damaschthon 达玛斯克同
Damastes 达玛斯忒斯
Danae 达那厄
Danaidas 达那伊得斯
Danaus 达那俄斯
Daphne 达佛涅
Dardanus 达耳达诺斯
Deianira 得伊阿尼拉
Deidamia 得伊达弥亚
Deimos 得摩斯
Deiphobus 得伊福玻斯
Deipyle 得伊皮勒
Demeter 得墨忒耳
Demodocus 得摩多科斯
Demons 代蒙
Demophon 得摩丰,得摩福翁
Deucalion 丢卡利翁
Dice 狄刻
Dictys 狄克堤斯
Diocles 狄俄克勒斯
Diomedes 狄俄墨得斯
Dione 狄俄涅
Dionysus 狄俄倪索斯
Dioscuri 狄俄斯库里(兄弟)
Dirce 狄耳刻
Dolius 多利俄斯
Dolon 多隆
Doris 多里斯
Doso 多索
Dryades 德律阿得斯(护树神女)
Dryops 德律俄普斯
Dymas 底马斯
Echidna 厄喀德那,厄客德娜
Echion 厄喀翁
Echo 厄科
Eidothea 厄多忒亚
Eirene 厄瑞涅
Electra 厄勒克特拉
Electryon 厄勒克特律翁
Elephenor 厄勒斐诺耳
Eleus 厄琉斯
Empusa 恩浦萨
Enceladus 恩刻拉多斯
Endymion 恩底弥翁
Enyo 厄倪俄
Eos 厄俄斯
Epaphus 厄帕福斯
Epeius 厄珀俄斯
Ephialtes 厄菲阿尔忒斯
Epicaste 厄庇卡斯忒
Epigoni 后辈英雄
Epimetheus 厄庇墨透斯
Epiros 厄皮洛斯
Epopeus 厄波剖斯
Erato 厄剌托,厄拉托
Erebus 厄瑞玻斯
Erechtheus 厄瑞克透斯
Erginus 厄耳癸诺斯
Erichthonius 厄里克托尼俄斯
Erigone 厄里戈涅
Erinnyes 厄里倪厄斯,复仇女神
Eriphyle 厄里费勒
Eris 厄里斯
Eros 厄罗斯,厄洛斯
Erysichthon 厄律西克同
Eryx 厄律克斯
Eteocles 厄忒俄克勒斯
Eumaeus 欧迈俄斯
Eumelus 欧墨洛斯
Eumenides 欧墨尼得斯
Eumolpus 欧摩尔波斯
Eunomia 欧诺弥亚
Eupeithes 欧佩忒斯
Euphemus 欧斐摩斯
Euphorbus 欧福耳玻斯
Europa 欧罗巴
Eurus 欧罗斯
Euryale 欧律阿勒
Euryalus 欧律阿罗斯
Eurybia 欧律比亚
Eurycleia 欧律克勒亚
Eurydice 欧律狄刻
Eurylochus 欧律洛科斯
Eurymachus 欧律马科斯
Eurymedon 欧律墨冬
Eurynome 欧律诺墨
Eurypylus 欧律皮洛斯
Eurysthenes 欧律斯忒涅斯
Eurystheus 欧律斯透斯
Eurytion 欧律提翁
Eurytus 欧律托斯
Euterpe 欧忒耳佩
Evadne 厄瓦德涅
Gaea 该亚
Galatea 伽拉忒亚
Ganymedes 伽倪墨得斯
Geryon 革律翁
Gigantes 癸干忒斯
Glauce 格劳刻
Glaucus 格劳科斯
Gordius 戈耳狄俄斯
Gorgons 戈耳工
Gorguthion 戈耳古提翁
Graces 美惠女神
Graeae 格赖埃
Granicus 格拉尼科斯,格剌尼科斯
Gration 格拉提翁
Gryphus,Griffin,Griffon 格里芬,格律普斯
Gyges 古革斯
Hades 哈得斯
Haemon 海蒙
Halitherses 哈利忒耳塞斯
Harmonia 哈耳摩尼亚
Harpalyce 哈耳帕吕刻
Harpyiae 哈耳庇厄
Hebe 赫柏
Hecaba,Hecuba 赫卡柏,希姑葩
Hecale 赫卡勒
Hecate 赫卡忒
Hecatoncheires 百臂巨人,赫卡同刻瑞斯
Hector 赫克托耳
Helen 海伦
Helenus 赫勒诺斯
Heliades 赫利阿得斯(姊妹)
Helios 赫利俄斯
Helle 赫勒
Hemera 赫墨拉
Hephaestus 赫淮斯托斯
Hera 赫拉
Heracles,Hercules 赫剌克勒斯,海格立斯(罗马神话中称为赫耳枯勒斯)
Heraclidae 赫剌克勒斯族
Hermaphroditus 赫耳玛佛洛铁托斯
Hermes 赫耳墨斯
Hermione 赫耳弥俄涅
Herse 赫耳塞
Hesione 赫西俄涅
Hesperides 赫斯佩里得斯姊妹,赫斯珀里得斯姊妹
Hesperis 赫斯珀里斯
Hesperus 赫斯珀洛斯
Hestia 赫斯提亚
Himerus 希墨罗斯
Hippocampus 海马
Hippocoon 希波孔
Hippodamia 希波达弥亚
Hippolite 希波吕忒
Hippolytus 希波吕托斯
Hippomedon 希波墨冬

帮我起个英文名字 寓意和海洋有关的

The marine/sea/oceanDylan 波浪之神 Morgan 来自海边的人 Murphy 捍卫海彊的人 Murray 水手、海洋族群的胸襟禀赋海洋族群以船为家,四海漂泊,大海既是他们的生活环境,也是他们展示英姿风采的大舞台。在长期与海打交道的情况下,造就了海洋族群有别于陆地居民的禀赋品性。比如出海航行通常要背井离乡,没有新鲜蔬菜,没有充足的淡水资源,也没有电视文娱活动,所以,造就了他们舍家离乡、吃苦耐劳、谦恭俭朴、以苦为乐的禀赋;铸就了他们海纳百川的胸襟,接纳异域文化的容人气量和品德。


Minos was king of Crete, and the first ruler to control the Mediterranean Sea, which he ridded of pirates.. He had with him a famed craftsman, Daedalus the Athenian, who was in exile from Athens because he had murdered his nephew (and somewhat too talented apprentice), Talos. Daedalus enjoyed much favor at the court, but he managed to fall from grace by accommodating the queen, Pasiphaë, in a request.
Minos had boasted that the gods would grant him any wish; he made all the preparations for a sacrifice to Poseidon, then prayed that a bull would emerge from the sea. Miraculously, a beautiful white bull swam ashore. Minos admired it so much that he decided to keep it, and sacrificed a different one from his herd instead.
This unwise decision annoyed Poseidon, who avenged the insult by causing queen Pasiphaë to fall madly in love with the white bull. Her request to Daedalus was that he should help her consummate this passion. He did so by building an ingenious hollow wooden cow, covered with hide and with a door on top through which she could lower herself inside. Together, they wheeled it into the pasture where the bull was kept; Daedalus helped her get in, and then discreetly withdrew. Pasiphaë was completely satisfied, but to everyone’s horror, she then bore the Minotaur, a creature with a man’s body but a bull’s head.
Minos, annoyed in turn, sent to the oracle at Delphi to discover how he could hide this evidence of the shame to the royal family. The oracle answered that he ought to have Daedalus build a suitable cage; Minos thereupon had Daedalus build the Labyrinth, an enormous maze, and placed the Minotaur at the center of it. Minos also arranged to sacrifice young men and women to the flesh-eating Minotaur by shutting them into the Labyrinth, where they would wander, hopelessly lost, until the Minotaur caught and devoured them.
One of Minos’s (fully human) sons by Pasiphaë was Androgeus, who visited Athens to compete in the All-Athenian games, where he won every contest. King Aegeus knew that Androgeus was in contact with his internal enemies, the sons of Pallas, and was afraid that he might persuade his father, Minos, to intervene on their behalf. Therefore, he laid an ambush for the young man with the help of the Megareans. After a fierce battle, in which he fought very bravely, Androgeus was killed.
When Minos heard of the death of his son, he became enraged, and gathered a great fleet together to avenge the murder. Although he was the effective ruler of the Mediterranean, quite a few of the Greeks fought on the side of Athens, or stayed neutral. The refusal of Aeacus, the king of Aegina, to join the Cretans was particularly galling to Minos. With all of his power, though, Minos was unable to defeat the Greeks until, in exasperation, he called on the aid of Zeus to avenge Androgeus. Greece was hit by famine and earthquakes, and the oracle at Delphi advised the Athenians to satisfy any demands that Minos made in return for peace. The demand was for a tribute of seven youths and seven maidens to be given every nine years, as sacrifice to the Minotaur, to which the Athenians reluctantly agreed.
Some time after this war, king Aegeus consulted with the oracle at Delphi on another problem: although he had been married twice, he had no children. She gave him a wineskin, and told him not to open it before he got home, or he would die one day of grief - an oracle which was difficult to interpret.
On his way back to Athens, he spent a night enjoying the hospitality of his friend, king Pittheus of Troezen. Pittheus’s daughter, Aethra, was betrothed to Bellerophon, but he had been banished to Caria in disgrace, and she had little hope of his return. Feeling pity for her enforced virginity, and somewhat influenced by the wineskin that Aegeus had imprudently opened, he sent his equally drunk friend to Aethra’s bed; in the middle of the night, she was also visited by Poseidon.
当爱吉尔斯(Aegeus)王回到雅典时,他受到了好友-比特休斯(Pittheu)王 一夜热情的招待。比特休斯(Pittheu)的女儿艾斯菈(Aethra)曾和贝勒罗芬(Bellerophon)订过婚,但贝勒罗芬(Bellerophon)却因蒙受耻辱而被放逐到卡丽亚,艾斯菈(Aethra)也对他的回来不怀太多希望。爱吉尔斯(Aegeus)王对於她的遭遇和贞洁受禁感到可惜,并在喝下酒袋中酒的影响下,爱吉尔斯(Aegeus)强行闯进艾斯菈(Aethra)的闺房。而在同一天的半夜里,海神波塞顿(Poseidon)也来”拜访”了艾斯菈(Aethra)。
In the morning, when Aegeus awoke next to her, he told her that, if a son were born to her, she should raise him without divulging his paternity, in case the sons of Pallas should attempt to murder the boy as a blow to the royal house of Athens. When a son was duly born, Aethra named him Theseus and, although she was uncertain of his exact paternity, she raised him as she had been instructed.
到了早上,当爱吉尔斯(Aegeus)王在艾斯菈(Aethra)身边醒过来的时候,他告诉她:如果她怀了他的孩子,就将孩子好好扶养长大,并且不要告诉任何人他们的父子关系,以免佩洛斯(Pallas)的儿子企图谋杀这个孩子,来打击雅典的皇室。当这个孩子安全的生下来后,艾斯菈(Aethra)给他取名做 。而尽管她并不知道这孩子真正的父亲是谁,她仍遵造当初的指示将他好好的扶养长大。
When he was old enough, she took him to a large rock, to see if he could lift it. He was able to do so, and underneath it he found a sword and a pair of sandals left there for him by Aegeus. He took these items, and set off for Athens.
He decided to take the overland route, which was infested with bandits, rather than the safer sea passage, to prove himself. On the way, not too surprisingly, he met with many adventures, and had a suitable number of close calls. When he arrived, he was nearly poisoned by Medea, who had taken refuge with Aegeus after her various crimes in Corinth. She had had a son by Aegeus, and when she recognized who Theseus was, she convinced Aegeus to offer him a cup of wine laced with wolfsbane. He was just about to drink it when Aegeus noticed the sword that he carried, and intervened.
There was great rejoicing in Athens, but Medea had to flee for her life, and Pallas and his sons were not happy. They began a rebellion, but were crushed by Aegeus’s forces under the command of Theseus.
However, the joy did not last. Minos’s tribute came due, and as the ship approached, the seven youths and seven maidens had to prepare to leave. Theseus was so touched by the spectacle of grief that this preparation aroused that he volunteered to lead the group himself, promising the families of the others who would go with him that he would bring them all back alive. Naturally, Aegeus was not eager to allow his recently discovered son and heir to depart on so dangerous a task, but Theseus insisted, promising to hoist a white sail upon his return, rather than the usual black one, to signal his father that he was returning safely.
The ship left for Crete with Theseus and thirteen other Athenians aboard - two of the “maidens“ were actually feminine-looking young men who could pass for girls when they dressed the part. When they arrived in port, Minos himself came down to see them, and threw his signet ring into the harbor, challenging Theseus to prove that he was the son of Poseidon by retrieving it. This task Theseus accomplished, aided by dolphins and Neriads.
As Theseus emerged from the water, Minos’s daughter, Ariadne, who had accompanied her father to see the arrival of the ship, fell instantly in love with him. She determined to help him, and enlisted the aid of the ubiquitous Daedalus, who came up with the idea of using a ball of string to trace the way into, and back out of, the Minotaur’s lair.
Armed with a sword supplied by Ariadne, Theseus entered the Labyrinth, worked his way to the very center, and found and killed the Minotaur. When he emerged, dripping with blood, Ariadne embraced him. The others had managed to escape from their prison - the youths disguised as women had killed the guards in the women’s quarters - and they all met in a rendevous. They made their way to the harbor and stole the ship in which they had been brought to Crete, but the alarm was raised, and they had to fight their way out.
As they made their way north towards Athens, they stopped at the island of Naxos. There, for reasons that remain obscure, Theseus left Ariadne behind - an act that is hard to describe as creditable to his reputation. She later became the bride of Dionysus, and bore him many children, but at first she was in a poor mood, and cursed Theseus.
The curse was almost instantly fulfilled, for Theseus forgot to change his sail from black to white. As the ship pulled in to port, Aegeus, seeing the black sail, assumed the worst, and lept from a precipice to his death in the sea that still bears his name.
Meanwhile, back in Crete, Minos finally discovered who had aided Pasiphaë in her debauchery, and for a brief time Daedalus and his son, Icarus, were imprisoned in the Labyrinth as well. However, Pasiphaë managed to get them released, and the father and son decided to leave Crete altogther. Since the harbors were watched, Daedalus fashioned artificial wings out of bird feathers; the larger ones were stitched, and the smaller held in place by wax.
在此同时,在克里特岛上的迈诺斯(Minos)王也发现了当初是谁帮助皇后法西菲(Pasiphaë)做出纵情放荡的行为,於是将戴德勒斯(Daedalu)和他的儿子艾克尔斯(Icarus )一起关进迷宫里一小时间。然而,皇后法西菲(Pasiphaë)一直设法要帮助他们脱逃,这对父子也决定一起离开克里特岛。由於港口早已遭到严格的监视,戴德勒斯(Daedalu)便由鸟儿的羽毛来编造出两对人工翅膀;较大的以缝线编结而成,而较小的则以腊油黏结。
Before they took off, Daedalus warned his son not to fly too low, or the sea foam would wet the feathers and drag him down, nor to fly too high, or the sun would melt the wax, with much the same effect - “Follow me!“ were his final words to the boy. They flew north, past Naxos, Delos, and Paros, and then Icarus got carried away with the delight of flying, and soared as high as he could go. The wax melted, and the boy tumbled into the sea and drowned close by the island of Icaria, which still bears his name
在他们离开之前,戴德勒斯(Daedalu)警告他的儿小不要飞的太低,不然海面上的泡沫会浸湿羽毛而使他们掉落,但也不能飞得太高,不然太阳会溶化腊,而遭到同样的下场。”跟著我”是他最后提醒他儿子所说的话。他们飞越北方的那克索斯(Naxos)、迪洛斯(Delos)和派洛斯(Paros)。然而随著愈飞愈远,艾克尔斯(Icarus )则愈感到兴奋,便渐渐的飞行到他尽可能的高度。不幸的是,羽毛上的腊开始溶化,艾克尔斯(Icarus )则瞬间跌落到一个小岛的附近海域上。(传说这个岛因此而得名)
Daedalus continued on, making his way eventually to Camicus in Sicily, where he was welcomed by king Cocalus. Meantime, Minos determined to retrieve his master craftsman, and raised a fleet to find him. He needed to discover the whereabouts of the artisan, and he did so by proclaiming a huge prize everywhere he went for anyone who could draw a linen thread through the convolutions of a triton shell. Once the fleet was in Sicily, and he heard of the prize, Daedalus could not resist winning it. He did so by fastening a gossamer thread to an ant, and entering it into the shell through a hole that he had bored in the end, meantime smearing the open end of the shell with honey so that the ant would weave its way through to the source of the scent. He then tied the linen thread to the gossamer, and drew it through in turn.
As soon as Minos knew that the the prize had been claimed, he knew where Daedalus was, and he made war on the Sicilians, defeating them. While he bathed in the palace at Camicus, though, the daughters of Cocalus, with the help of Daedalus, killed him by pouring boiling water on him through a cleverly fashioned vent above the tub. He joined his brother Rhadamanthys and his old enemy Aeacus in Hades, where they were made judges of the dead. Daedalus eventually moved on, and ended his days in Sardinia.


  当初宙斯三兄弟抽分势力范围,宙斯抽得了天空,哈迪斯(也称黑帝斯)抽中冥界, 波赛顿就成了一切大海和湖泊的君主。

aethra x7 录音




